Flavoured Makhana: May Be A Good Idea If You are Introducing it to Your Kids

Who does not love snacks! And if you can fit in healthiness and lip-smacking taste in a single bowl, then nothing can go wrong. It is what roasted flavoured makhana is all about.

Makhana, also known as lotus seed, is a traditionally popular Indian food item, especially in North Indian states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh. Many of us have already tried and tasted makhana in sweet kheer, raita or curries. However, it is also suitable as a snack. Your child will love roasted flavoured makhana any time of the day.

What is flavoured makhana?

Makhana or foxnut is the seed of Euryale Ferox, an aquatic plant grown in the stagnant wetland water and ponds mainly in South East Asia. Makhana producers collect seeds, wash, clean and sort them before drying and packing. You can find various types of makhana in groceries and supermarkets with different tastes and nutrient values. However, the best quality is popularly known as Phool Makhana. Despite having the highest nutrient value, raw makhana has a very neutral taste. So, not too many people like eating raw makhana.

Indian Foxnut company, being one of the biggest makhana producers and exporters from India, has been trying to popularise the food in different forms like flavoured roasted makhana. Unlike fried snacks, flavoured fox nuts maintain the high nutrient content of raw makhana and offer a savoury appetite for snacking. Some of the popular Indian Foxnut’s flavoured makhana variants are,

  • Barbeque
  • Butter masala
  • Cream & onion
  • Peri Peri
  • Pudina
  • Tikka Masala

Benefits of makhana as a snack for children

We have tried to list some of the dietitian-verified benefits of snacking on flavoured makhana for children.

  • Calcium-rich – Makhana is an excellent source of calcium which is a vital mineral for growing kids. It strengthens the bones and teeth, helps developing muscles.
  • High-quality protein – Roasted makhana can be a source of high-quality plant-based protein for your kids and toddlers. It is especially true for vegetarian families. Protein is the essential macronutrient for the proper functioning and growth of cells and tissues.
  • Natural antioxidants – Raw makhanas are a better choice for this purpose. But non-fried, roasted makhanas also contain anti-oxidants in satisfactory amounts. They are essential for repairing cell damages and boost the body’s immunity.
  • Gluten-free – Children often suffer from allergies to specific foods like processed wheat, barley. Makhana is gluten-free. So, your kid can safely enjoy roasted makhana without any risk of food allergies.
  • High dietary fibre – Kids often do not drink enough water and face digestion problems. The high fibre content in makhana helps in proper digestion and bowel movement. So, if you are worried about your child’s constipation, then roasted makhana can be good food.
  • Tummy full – Fox nuts or makhana is high in protein content and dense in calories. So, it satiates hunger better and keeps children’s tummy full for a long time making it ideal for evening snacks and long journeys.

From a 6-month old baby to the elderly members of your family – everyone can enjoy munching healthy, tasty roasted flavoured makhana. So, order flavoured makhana online and stock your pantry today from https://indianfoxnut.com/. You can get them in different packs from our online retail store.

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